Small Industries Product Promotion Organisation (SIPPO), a joint venture of National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC, a Govt. of India Enterprise), Tamilnadu Small Industries Development Corporation (TANSIDCO, a Tamilnadu Govt. Undertaking). Its main objective is to promote Micro, Small, Medium, Village and Rural Industries.
SIPPO has promoted many Entrepreneurs in various fields like Handicrafts, Floriculture, Essential Oils, Cosmetic Industries, Granite Industry, Pharmaceuticals, Medical and Aromatic Industries, Food Industries, Food Processing Industries etc. through various Training Programmes, Seminars, Workshops & Exhibitions.
SIPPO is the Nodal Agency for the Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) to promote beneficiaries under their PMEGP Scheme and Technical Agency for their SFRUTI Scheme.
SIPPO is the Cluster Development Agency for Office of the Development Commissioner (Handicrafts), Ministry of Textiles, Government of India & NABARD.
SIPPO Service has been utilized by different Ministries like Ministry of Food Processing, Ministry of Textiles, Ministry of MSME, Ministry of Science & Technology, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Rural Industries etc.,
As a Promotional measures it has conducted several Skill Training Programmes, Seminars, Workshops, Exhibitions and Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDPs). Many entrepreneurs have been benefited out of these programmes. SIPPO has expertise in organising various programmes & has a panel of experts within and outside the organization and has also been associated with various Government Departments and other Research Institutions.